Sunday, September 13, 2009

Everyone loves a cowgirl

How about a cowgirl burpy pad. Gift wrapped with name tag and ready to go.

Party my crib 2:00 AM BYOB set

Great set for the new baby

Texas T shirt skirt

Texas T- shirt skirt. Any school, any size. Call for prices

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Ready to be delivered Burpies. Gift wrapped and with a card for giving. How easy can thea be...............

Tooth fairy pillow

Binky Bib

Binky bib

This is a must for new Mom's, grandma's to keep that paci clean. No more dropping that binky-paci. Keep it off hte dirty icky floor. The Binky Bib keeps that paci clean and in easy reach.

t-shirt skirts

T-shirt skirts for any school, any size, any design. Anything. Fast delivery. Also At The Shoe Closet